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  • Writer's pictureAlicia Hall

Parents Rise Up



Welcome to Millions of Mothers.

On the 24th of May, 15,000 youth and their supporters in NZ and 1.5 million youth around the world stood up and marched telling me, you and the leaders of the world that we no longer have the luxury of burying our heads in the sand anymore.

This feels like a scary thing to start but this is our line in the sand and we would love to have and invite more people to join the team to move forward to create an intersectional and diverse movement.We acknowledge that parents come in all ways, shapes and forms and we truly believe we have a voice that can make a real difference. We want to lift up the School Strike 4 Climate NZ (and worldwide) movement. We want government and corporations to realise they can't continue to gamble with our children's future, that tough decisions need to be made. We want to help you find ways to reduce your own household carbon footprint.

We invite parents to rise up and say enough is enough. Climate change is real, this is happening and time is not on our side.

We challenge the NZ government to declare a Climate Emergency which shows intent and commitment to leading us out of our reliance on fossil fuels and into regenerative alternatives. Our entire system is built on fossil fuels yet there are alternative solutions happening all around us. We need to send the message that this is where we want to go.

If you have something to offer then we would love to have you on the team! We need storytellers, organisers, artists, thinkers, doers, carers, helpers, changemakers...most of all we need your passion to stand up for your children!

Today we CAN clean up our mess for the world's children.

Alicia x

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